
Love Languages

Knowing your own love languages is important because when you provide these things to and for yourself, you relinquish the codependent need for others to do it for you. What do I mean? For example, two of my love languages are physical touch and gift-giving. Whenever I am in a bad moment, or am exhausted…

Truth Is Transient 

We, in our human lives, grow to learn just how hard it is to uncover the naked truth in situations. Illusions, chaos, fears, insecurities, and shadows all too often cloud our perception of reality and our ability to correctly judge or identify the truth in the moment. Negative emotions feel all too common, to be…


I see messages all the time about abundance, but despite all the healing work I’ve done these past two years and all of the tough karmic cycles I’ve transcended, I have been struggling with feeling abundant. I’ve been thinking lately, trying to find out why I’ve felt this way, and how to feel more abundant…

My Own Inner Distorted Masculine Tendency 

I’ve said countless times that everything happens for a reason, and despite repeating this to myself nonstop, I still struggled to surrender enough to be able to see clearly. My bladder woke me up at 2ish in the morning this morning, and after also having to flush a huge spider while in there, I returned…

Mirroring: Self-Blame and Outside Validation 

The farther into your healing journey, the more deeply ingrained are the shadows that we must heal. I’ve come to find that the shadows I realize at this point are the culmination of shadows I’ve already illuminated; but, in a sense, were more realistically mere pieces of the whole puzzle I simply hadn’t connected yet.…

Our Greatest Teachers and Messengers 

You’ve likely heard the saying somewhere that we are met with teachers and messengers when we need them most. All too often, people associate this with people who have some sort of teaching title, or are a spiritual guru in some way. When we’re told to seek a teacher, we often don’t realize we learn…

Happiness is a Choice 

If you feel you don’t enjoy your life or are happy, it IS within your power to change this.  We are the leaders, the creators, of our own lives.  Through our decisions and choices, we manifest everything we experience, whether it’d be a result of your direct choice or a combination of your choice in…

What Truth Remains? 

I am alone all the time, making my thoughts my only company.  I enjoy being alone though. I like being able to connect to myself and ground myself in my soul truth. I’ve said probably many times at this point that, “my body contains an ever-expanding universe I consciously know very little about but learn…

Boundaries: Saying “No”? There’s More to It! 

I mentioned previously at some point that establishing and asserting healthy boundaries is necessary to live healthily and confidently. It’s important for us to know what we like, and what we will never do. We need to know what treatment towards us we accept and what punishment we will assert if we’re treated unjustly. Asserting…

Burnout? The Source and the Solution 

It’s amazing sometimes how many simple or blatantly obvious things are left unrealized. Sudden realization hit me a couple days ago of why I’ve been suffering from extreme burnout for two years straight, and I’m over here laughing at myself for not realizing it sooner. Honestly, this delay was likely in part due to being…


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