
Welcome, Everyone!

Originally, I created this site as a tool to help guide survivors through their own healing journeys. As an advocate for over a decade and counting and a survivor of child abuse, several rapes, verbal, emotional, spiritual and other forms of abuse, I felt I could use this site to share the wisdom I gained from my own healing to lead others to transcend their traumas and free themselves as I have done and will continue to do. This site is a great tool indeed that will continue to include this information.

Not Your Cup of Tea is going to start including wisdom and insights from a variety of avenues where both our planet and humanity need the most change. I will soon be including articles discussing various sustainable practices we as individuals can incorporate into our lifestyles, articles mentioning strategies I’ve designed to transform villages and urban environments into self-sustainable, environmentally conscious communities, as well as, other tidbits related to inspiring others to love the great outdoors.

Don’t worry, Not Your Cup of Tea will still continue to include articles following its original purpose as a guide to heal from trauma. I hope you’re also excited for the new changes to come in the near future!

Your soul is an ever-expanding universe you consciously know so little about, but learn more of with each passing moment.

“Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’ll end up among the stars.”


Brianna 😇

Latest from the Blog

Love Languages

Knowing your own love languages is important because when you provide these things to and for yourself, you relinquish the codependent need for others to do it for you. What do I mean? For example, two of my love languages are physical touch and gift-giving. Whenever I am in a bad moment, or am exhausted…

Truth Is Transient 

We, in our human lives, grow to learn just how hard it is to uncover the naked truth in situations. Illusions, chaos, fears, insecurities, and shadows all too often cloud our perception of reality and our ability to correctly judge or identify the truth in the moment. Negative emotions feel all too common, to be…


I see messages all the time about abundance, but despite all the healing work I’ve done these past two years and all of the tough karmic cycles I’ve transcended, I have been struggling with feeling abundant. I’ve been thinking lately, trying to find out why I’ve felt this way, and how to feel more abundant…

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