Happiness is a Choice 

If you feel you don’t enjoy your life or are happy, it IS within your power to change this.  We are the leaders, the creators, of our own lives.  Through our decisions and choices, we manifest everything we experience, whether it’d be a result of your direct choice or a combination of your choice in tandem with those of others.  Sure, when our life seems mundane or boring, or when life seems to be working against us, it’s difficult to believe happiness is possible.  But it is.  How can we choose happiness in less than ideal circumstances are eating us alive? 

Create a happy place within.  Your imagination is your doorway to your soul.  Go within, and imagine a place, a scene that brings you much peace and joy.  Imagine perfectly every minute detail.  Are you outdoors?  Are you sitting in a grove of trees?  Are you laying down on soft, green grass in the center of a mystical clearing in the forest admiring the leaves and clouds?  Are you on the beach admiring the colors of the sunset on the horizon and its reflection on the water?  Are there animals or magical creatures keeping you company?  Do you see seagulls soaring over the salt water?  Do you have fairies or a dragon sitting next to you on the grass?  Imagine every little detail and really focus in on them.  What color is that bird?  What type of flower are you smelling?  What do you hear? 

As you perform this visualization exercise or meditation, how do you feel?  Do you feel calm, at peace, happy?  If you feel anything negative, imagine someplace else.  Once you feel at peace and happy, ground yourself in that, and come back to this physical reality.  Allow yourself to carry that peace and happiness into this reality.  This whole exercise can be only five minutes if you’re in the middle of work or short on time.  If you’re in the middle of stressful or harrowing circumstances, take a step away and do this exercise. 

Whenever your external circumstances are less than ideal, retreat into this sanctuary you’ve created.  This is how you choose happiness in any moment.  Once you’ve learned to do this, this happiness will begin to manifest into your physical reality. 

Happiness is available to everyone, you just have to have the willpower and strength to do something different and create it within yourself first.  Your imagination is a powerful tool.  Don’t let society tell you otherwise. 

If you want more help entering this sanctuary you’ve created, make a physical representation of it: a painting, a drawing, a poem, a collage, etc. This can be used as a reminder for you to smile, or as a doorway to the sanctuary through meditation. 

As long as you can always access happiness and peace internally, you can have it anytime in the physical reality regardless of what is happening around you.  Sure, this isn’t easy to accomplish in the beginning.  It takes time.  You have to be able to go within no matter what else may be happening or distracting you.  And, you have to be able to ground yourself in your truth and the positive emotions the visualization bestows on you.  Over time, however, you’ll be able to do this in any situation, in any place, and be able to find yourself within the stress and fear external circumstances may try to cast upon you.  This happiness you choose to feel often will manifest into your reality as you continue to access and feel it.  You can create happiness no matter your circumstances or the battles you’re facing. 

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