Truth Is Transient 

We, in our human lives, grow to learn just how hard it is to uncover the naked truth in situations. Illusions, chaos, fears, insecurities, and shadows all too often cloud our perception of reality and our ability to correctly judge or identify the truth in the moment. Negative emotions feel all too common, to be all too entirely consumed within our lives, but there is a way to free ourselves from the negative emotions we feel as a result of momentary situations. We feel negative emotions—like heartbreak, sadness, anger, or depression—when a wound is triggered within us that hasn’t yet been fully healed. Yes, healing our inner child wounds that are triggered by others’ actions, and learning to stand firm in our self-love, self-confidence, and soul truth, is ultimately what frees us from being triggered; however, having compassion for others helps the most. How? 

It’s natural when raised in a society that is founded on judgment, standards, and limitations, to feel negatively when misjudged, misunderstood, criticized or rejected in some way by others. But to truly grow, you must transcend this conditioning. We internalize others’ actions and words toward us all too often, due to our conditioning that we must have others’ approval or validation to meet a certain set of standards. 

But no matter how much healing you do and how high you raise your vibration, due to this conditioning and the component of free will all humans possess, there will always be people or external circumstances that are not of your truth and are triggering or hurtful in some way. It’s impossible at this time to live a life where everyone and everything around you works in your favor. There will be plenty of times, especially as you are awakening and ascending, that others seem to be against you, don’t agree with you, project their triggers onto you in some way, or make decisions that are hurtful to you. This is a burden you carry when you’re the first in your circles to awaken. This is because your light that you’ve tended to and brightened is illuminating others’ shadows and triggering them. Many of them aren’t consciously able to realize that this is what is happening, and they project those triggers back onto you through conflict or anger. There are also awakened ones who made decisions perceiving them in the moment to be of both of your highest goods at the time, but were actually skewed or warped due to hidden shadows that shaped and veiled their perception of the truth. How do you move beyond these hurts you feel though in effect of these actions? 

Learn true compassion. 

When it comes to relationships—from strangers to friends to romantic interests—focus on their intention behind their actions and words, rather than the actions and words themselves. Be discerning. 

As mentioned previously, often, certain actions are taken because they believe their actions are for the highest good of everyone involved. Even if this isn’t the truth to you, or you perceive it to be out of their fears or insecurities, have compassion. For truth is only a perception based on their current state of mind or vibration, and it is not permanent. It changes with the rise and fall of their vibration in the moment. If you perceive yourself to be on a higher vibration than someone, and believe your truth to be absolute, then understand that they will come to see the same truth when they raise their vibration to that same level. 

Think of truth and perception as travelling in waves—as all energy does. A person can only receive that which matches the vibration or wavelength of their own energy. For this reason, some truths aren’t revealed to them until they do the work to raise their own vibration to that of those truths. Truths are temporary, not concrete. 

This way of understanding allows you to have compassion for others and not internalize people’s actions toward you, or carry the weight of their projections. Release the weight by being forgiving toward these people who tried their best in the moment. 

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