Love Languages

Knowing your own love languages is important because when you provide these things to and for yourself, you relinquish the codependent need for others to do it for you. What do I mean? For example, two of my love languages are physical touch and gift-giving. Whenever I am in a bad moment, or am exhausted from surviving, I improve my vibration and my sanity by loving my self with these actions. I could treat myself by going to the store to buy a Korean face mask for a couple bucks and find peace in placing it on my face and enjoying the aroma. When I am feeling anxious or upset for being wronged or disrespected in some way, I can walk away and give myself a hug. Some use tapping, which supposedly helps, I’ve never tried it. Ultimately, if you know your love languages, you can better nurture yourself physically, spiritually, and mentally, and find peace in any situation without emotionally dumping on or depending on someone else to do it for you. This beings you more freedom. Watch the video below for more detail.

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