About Me

Hello, Everyone,

Welcome! I have been working diligently on my own spiritual healing for several years and counting, and truly transforming myself into a new, happier version of me. What a roller coaster ride it has been! Although it’s been a grueling process, and I’ve had to do things most people could never imagine, I wouldn’t choose any other path. Awakening to my truest and fullest potential has required me to release all negative thoughts, behaviors, and attachments not serving my highest good that were established mostly in my childhood. I’ve come a long way and am now confident in myself and am restoring my passion for life.

As I’ve been amidst this adventure, I’ve felt alone and that no one could or would help me. At times, I’ve felt lost, confused, and frightened. However, I’ve fought through the uncertainty and found my own inner peace. Now, I am rerouting my life toward creating tangible change in my lifestyle to be more sustainable and more mindful of Mother Nature and the environment because nature has been my only companion and solace during my healing, and I want to bring this to others. Hence, I am choosing to move from advocating in the sexual/domestic violence, human trafficking, and child abuse sectors for over a decade, toward advocating for the environment and nature conservation.

I am excited for the opportunity to finally utilize my education in Anthropology and Engineering to perform this work as an Environmental Anthropologist. I graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Anthropology in 2016, which during that time, I also had three years of engineering and was a Humanitarian Engineering scholar. Throughout the years since, I’ve researched various sustainable construction methods and other practices to tickle my fancy in my free time. Now, I intend to utilize this research to create and implement strategies to improve sustainability on a larger scale, and be an inspiration to others to make sustainable choices to improve their own individual lifestyles.

Humanity has surpassed the danger zone in multiple of the 9 arenas of climate barriers, and has done plenty of irreversible damage to the very Earth we stand upon. If we do not decide now to change our lifestyles and protect our environment, we will not have it much longer. I see and feel the importance of advocating for change in how we as humans treat and care for the environment and all others that live within it. I’ve long thought that the work I’ve done advocating this past decade was for the purpose of creating a better world in which my children, grandchildren, and future generations would never suffer the tragedies I’ve endured. In relation to the environment and climate change, if we do not change now, there will be no future generations at some near point in time. This is inconceivable. As such, the time is now for me to step into this sector, and advocate for a cleaner environment and to inspire others to invite nature into their hearts.

Why Not Your Cup of Tea? I have a fascination with tea. It’s one of my hobbies and pleasures. I love to try new ones and I have quite the collection. It’s normal for me to drink at least two pots a day. Tea helps me to find inner peace and remain calm in tough situations. This is why I chose ‘tea’ as the name for this site. I used to say as a kid all the time that everything happens for a reason, but I didn’t truly start to believe it until this healing journey began. Believing this wholeheartedly helps me find peace and limit bad times to only bad moments rather than bad days. I hope to guide you to what brings you clarity and peace of mind with this website.

Good Luck,

Brianna 🙂