My Authentic Self and Divine Purpose Revealed

I got this new crystal pendant the other day. Green has always been my favorite color, but I bought it because Green Aventurine is the crystal associated with oak trees. The oak tree is the symbol (I like to think of it as a soul-level coat of arms) for my original soul—the soul before itContinue reading “My Authentic Self and Divine Purpose Revealed”

Unhealthy Behaviors Adopted After Trauma

It’s unfortunate, but all survivors adopt negative behaviors after traumas.  It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with us, given that these behaviors are normal after such events.  What’s unfortunate about it is that not only are we not aware more often than not that we even behave in these ways, but that the adoption ofContinue reading “Unhealthy Behaviors Adopted After Trauma”


Be your own best friend, your own parent, your own support.  An inner healing journey takes immense energy to sustain. As you journey inward, you are asked to directly confront your own fears and shadows. This requests that your energy be redirected to this process—often occurring without your conscious awareness. As a result, you’ll find yourself feeling drained,Continue reading Self-Care “

Music Is a Gateway to the Soul 

Many people have been asking through social media if there was any music out there that truly helps assist with the awakening process. Honestly, music does help with this, but not all music helps everyone. Songs or genres of music that resonate specifically to your own soul, and help you individually to connect to andContinue reading Music Is a Gateway to the Soul “


I mentioned previously the importance of setting and asserting healthy boundaries. Everyone needs to have boundaries. Your power to protect yourself resides in your strength in asserting your boundaries. Establishing healthy boundaries helps you to determine where your energy ends and others’ begins. It helps you to differentiate what you will do willingly and gladlyContinue reading Boundaries “