Traits/Behaviors/Thoughts, etc. NOT Accompanying Me into the New Life 

As mentioned in the previous post, the winter solstice is tomorrow. I prepared a list of my own of what I want to bring into the new life and new cycle that is beginning with the rebirth of the sun during this cosmic event, which is included in the previous post. Here, I have theContinue reading “Traits/Behaviors/Thoughts, etc. NOT Accompanying Me into the New Life “

Traits/Behaviors/Thoughts, etc. Accompanying Me into the New Life 

As the winter solstice is tomorrow, I’ve prepared a list of my own of what I want to bring into the new life and new cycle that is beginning with the rebirth of the sun during this cosmic event. The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year, from which the light of theContinue reading “Traits/Behaviors/Thoughts, etc. Accompanying Me into the New Life “

My Recent Revelation: A Sad, Difficult Truth 

We are often told by spiritual people, and often come across the phrase in memes or images on social media, that we must follow our hearts, not our minds, and that this is how to be spiritual.  However, this is actually a fallacy we should not fall for.  I believed this to true even untilContinue reading “My Recent Revelation: A Sad, Difficult Truth “

A Karmic Cycle or a Healthy Situation? 

Even as a child, I realized on a conscious level that I could easily read people and third-party situations of which I had no involvement in.  At some point during my awakening, I became aware that this was due to my empathic and clairsentient abilities—I am closely connected to people’s heart and third-eye chakras, which isContinue reading “A Karmic Cycle or a Healthy Situation? “

Everything Happens for a Reason:  Signs and Synchronicities 

“Everything happens for a reason.”  I used to tell myself this all the time growing up.  I can’t remember why any longer, but I do remember saying this often.  Another thing that was lost to me, but recently rediscovered.  I even had it on my Facebook profile as one of my favorite quotes.  It may stillContinue reading Everything Happens for a Reason:  Signs and Synchronicities “