Discover the Source of Your Shadows 

You’ve heard the phrase before, likely in a medical setting: “Treat the source of the problem, not the symptoms.”  Shadow work is just this, only more difficult than being ill.  I’ve been in the awakening process for a year now, and although I released many shadows and negative habits along the way, I’ve continued toContinue reading “Discover the Source of Your Shadows “

Releasing Traumas

***This article will explain what overcoming traumas and releasing them will bring you.  I will later go more into detail into how to release each individual negative habit or fear that is associated with such traumas in separate articles.***  I’ve experienced the worst of traumas—child sexual abuse, and rapes as an adult.  For the longest time,Continue reading “Releasing Traumas”

My Life Journey Before Spirit

As I sit here thinking about my journey, and the person I have become, I can’t help but be both proud of myself, and fully surprised. To be frank, my life experiences were harrowing to say the least.  I don’t know, even now, how I was able to keep moving forward despite my disadvantages, or howContinue reading “My Life Journey Before Spirit”