Music Recs

Music Is a Gateway to the Soul 

Many people have been asking through social media if there was any music out there that truly helps assist with the awakening process. Honestly, music does help with this, but not all music helps everyone. Songs or genres of music that resonate specifically to your own soul, and help you individually to connect to and retreat into your own heart center and inner world are what you should be listening to—even moreso during the dark nights of the soul. 

For me personally, I realized most of the music that I was drawn to or led to in seemingly random or insignificant ways was because it was related to my soul in some way. Music is a gateway my soul uses to connect me to my other lives, and for me to connect to my soul in the other direction.

Ultimately, listen to the music that helps you find your heart center, and resonates with your own soul. Be careful not to choose depressing music when you’re depressed or down in the dumps. Choose higher vibrational music when you feel depressed, and you will be uplifted.

As I mentioned, lighter/softer Celtic music was the music that got me through my awakening during the dark nights of the soul. My personal favorites were: Dark Night of the Soul, The Old Ways, and Caravanserai by Loreena McKennitt. I certainly recommend Dark Night of the Soul for everyone.  My playlist contains music by: Loreena McKennitt, Celtic Woman, Blackmore’s Night, David Arkenstone, Erutan, Bruhnuhville, etc.

If you want to give the music I listened to regularly—and still do—a try, here is the link to my youtube playlist for Celtic music: 

Celtic Songs